I don't think you understand
If you really wanted to post 4"33' here, first you should have said that it is your rendition of John Cage's masterpiece. You clearly say "this is not mine" and yet you post it anyway?
Secondly, the beginning ruined the whole thing! There should be NO SOUND AT ALL coming from this track, and yet there was something at the beginning! The reason John Cage wrote this piece was to have the listener take in their own surroundings, and each to his own hear their surroundings differently! That noise, whatever it was, ruined it for me.
You probably should have identified the times that each of the 3 moments ends and starts.
Oh, and on a side note, I wish the newgrounds player didn't say that this was 4:34 long, because your audio is only 4:33. I support you that way.
Also, would applaud you for being daring enough to post this on Newgrounds. It takes some real guts and musicianship to do that. You, however, post this in disgust. Why would any musician do that?
Now, I do love this piece, but you clearly don't understand what this is about and can't seem to appreciate it either. So, I can't give this a high score because of the lack of understanding, which is most evident at the very beginning.
This does not have the same spirit and John Cage put into it, in fact it has quite the opposite. Because of that, because you didn't post this in a way that honors the most innovative modern composer, I give you no credit at all.
P.S. Now, if you wanted to hear good things from me, this is what you should have done.
First of all, you should have said that this was your rendition of John Cage's 4'33".
Then, you should have told us the meaning of this piece, why it was composed, and what the listener should experience.
And of course, you should have communicated that you appreciate the piece, or better yet, like it.