I have never had a song actually make me laugh!!!! This is the...HAHAHA!!!
I have never had a song actually make me laugh!!!! This is the...HAHAHA!!!
It's fucking awesome is what it is. :D
Purely Beautiful am I do say it? I do see the universe being born, and...oh my gosh...the big bang never could have happened. I see crystalls, and they just become the universe as we know it, and more.
You are amazing.
Glad you liked it! There actually is a full version, and it'll be on Itunes I want to say by the end of this week or next? Make sure you look for it! :D
One thing...
Quickly repeated notes, they just didn't quite fit my liking. Other than that, very unique! A very nice little present indeed!
Man your awesome!
Dude, you stuff never ceases to amaze me! You genre of music is unlike any other! Keep it up!
Thanks bro! I'll keep going ;D
Oh Yeah!
Congratulations!!! I am not surprised that this song finaly reached the front audio page! Dude, keep up stuff like this! I can't say how awesome this is. Just don't die in the near future, please!
All's wild that is wild!
Lol :P Okay I'll watch out over me 24/7 XD
Thank you very much for all your support Sam, you've been an amazing loyal fan ^^
What can I say?
Well, I kissed a girl too, but I'm a guy!
This is awesome!!!!
hahaha...glad you liked! thanks!!! <3
That freaked me out!!!! The lyrics were just...chilling, especialy how they were said. And then the beat, that was perfect. The space at the end, was, long, but that doesn't take away from the song at all. Great job!!! I hope that this does well, becauase this is amazing!!! I am freaked out by this song!!!!! Keep it up!!!
heehee thank you! i felt a little stupid recording the lyrics...i've never done anything like that...i realize now that the space you are talking about is the reverb from the gong....i screwed up and didnt fix it:< thanks for the listen and review! i don't think i will win but it will be fun to see how everyone did! <3
Here's my advice
What I would add to the melody is a sudden quick rush with a heavy beat made with some creepy sounds and so forth. I might even add maybe a chainsaw sound and screams out of nowhere to freak out the listener and portray a freaky Halloween murder among all the trick-or-treating.
This would probably require a bit of length to pull all of these off correctly, but these are things that I would consider.
Hope this helps!
ooooo. yes! chainsaws!!!and an evil voice saying "treat or treat, slut!" lol. jk on the last part. but yes, i was going to add all types of creepy effects and really make it as gritty as possible. any idea where i can get a chainsaw sample?yes, i really wanted to build up from the end of what i posted here, into a heavier, almost d/n/b feel. i was having a hell of a time with a transition so i called it a night and will work on it with a clear head tomorrow! thanks for the listen and review!!!! and your suggestions always help! thanks!
I can see space, and...
I could feel the idea that you had, although the screeching sound felt a bit out of place to me. It does give a dystopian feeling, which is great if that's what you were going after. Also, some deep base in many parts would give the song a more full feeling and texture that I think is awesome.
Keep experimenting with this one; I see great potential in it!
lol thank you! i guess with the screeching sound, i was really going for a mix between light and pretty, and just raw and gritty. i loved the extremes those two elements brought to the table. i really love the cellos i had thrown in there. thanks for the listen and review my lovely penguin!
I am a young composer living in the United States. Most of my music is slow, lyrical, dark, emotional, and programatic. I however am a very upbeat and happy person. Quite the interesting contrast, isn't it?
Young Composer
Texas, United States
Joined on 12/29/06